Dowsing Ley Line Energies And The Search For The Grail.
Dowsing Ley Line Energies And The Search For The Grail.
Transcript of a talk given by Colin Bloy to RILKO in 1980 on the subject of dowsing earth energies and ley lines. Colin combined the talents of a gifted healer with those of an exceptionally talented dowser. This booklet outlines some of his first discoveries in the dowsing field. Amongst them a series of geometric patterns encoded into the land around Shipley Parish Church in Sussex, a former Templar preceptory. Eventually Colin tells us how he was drawn into a modern-day grail quest which led him to a cave in the Andorran Pyrenees, where he unearthed a small crystal in the shape of an equal-armed cross, which possessed remarkable properties. A fascinating booklet which should be useful to anyone beginning to dowse leys and earth energies. As Colin Bloy discovered, once started on this path, you never know what you might find.